Fernando Fernández Aransay
Fernando Fernández obtained his Degree in Law at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid and a postgraduate Master in legal counselling at Instituto de Empresa, in Madrid. A member of the Illustrious Bar of Lawyers of Madrid since 1993. Born in 1966, he works in Spanish, English and French.
Professional experience.
After beginning as a lawyer in the firm Mochales & Palacios, he worked several years for the Spanish Ministry of Culture, where he was involved in the management of the blank tape levy and in drafting the refunded text of the Copyright Act of 1996. Afterwards he worked as a lawyer for the audiovisual group of Antena 3 de Televisión. After that, for several years Fernando was the head of the legal department of Aurum Producciones (film and TV production and distribution), until in 2001 he settled professionally on his own. He has ample experience in advising audiovisual corporations (and others too, like book and music publishers) with an ever increasing attention devoted to all international aspects.
Fernando Fernández regularly teaches at the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas and other forums.